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Updated: Jan 27, 2021

Since June 2020, in keeping with the CDC's evolving guidelines, classes at The ROXY have been operating in-person and in limited capacities. Anyone entering the facility must wear a mask at all times, so make sure you’ve got your favorite one clean and ready to go. Black masks with the red ROXY “R” are also available for purchase at the front desk. Upon checking in at the Front Desk, each student gets their temperature taken and given a palmful of hand sanitizer.

Once in class, students can stay socially distant by standing on marks that ensure enough room for everyone to safely participate in class, whether it’s tap, musical theatre, or improvisation. Reminders are everywhere at The ROXY so that we are all watching out for each other, because if we get sick, then one or all of our classmates may get sick too. We’re doing all that we can to ensure the safety of all students and faculty while we wait out the pandemic. In the meantime, we continue teaching and rehearsing because at The ROXY, we #livetoperform.

Visit the CDC for more information


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